" Live in the present "

I am currently studying Software Development & Network Engineering at Sheridan College. I love programming, working-out, and chatting with nice people. I feel awesome and alive when I code, create random stuff, and learn something new. I am truly grateful to have a talent for programming and for having a chance to contribute to the world something meaningful using my skills.

When I was younger, I did not know what I wanted, who I wanted to be, and was very afraid for my future. And then, one day, I suddenly realized what really matters to me and what would help me to be myself: Happiness, Passion and Gratitude. Now I have new found reasons to live here in Canada, half way around the world from my home country. It has been an unpredictable journey, but my life has just begun. I am looking forward to meeting great people, seeing more of the world, and most of all, showing the world what I have to offer.

This web site is still in progress for a better look and features. So, keep checking often. You will see awesome changes coming soon as my portfolio and myself evolve.